Dream of idler

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

There would be some randomness ...

I went to GP Singapore in last weekend. The event was great. 372 players for extended, setting another record for SouthEast Asia GP circuit.

Unlucky for me, I did not get any sponsor for this trip. In fact, I realized I have not get any GP sponsorship from DCI. Poor me!

Btw, it is a very good experience for me. I met a guy called David from France. I have read his article some years ago and that made me keep on questing for level 3.

So many things I should say about this tournament, I should do a report on this. However, power on my notebook and seeing so many unfinished tournament reports/article. I wonder if I would be able to finish that in near future.

Anyway, I would like to share some interesting questions I have been asked. Funny that none of them are rule-related :)

The most Frequently asked question I met in Day 1 was
"When will be the lunch break?" or "Is that a lunch break after this round?"

Oh! We had 8 rounds and a very tighted schelude. Sorry, we did not have lunch break for players.

Another funny question I heard was "How many points I need to advance for next round?". Some random competitor asked me when he finished the second round, looking like just lost that round.

What should I tell him? After taking a deep breath, I firmly told him that "Don't worry. It is GP. On Day 1, we don't have a cut. You can stay and play as long as you like." (and my mind added "please don't ask something so weird.")

Ok, The most wacky question of Day 1. During registration, I wondered around the hall to see if I can offer any help to players.

A player suddenly asked me a question, "Will Fujita play? I saw his girlfriend."
..... #$%^@#$^^^& ....

As a helpful zebra, I suggested him to ask Fujita's girlfriend since judges only able to help him about magic or ruling question.

Ok. Time to back to job.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

The Beginning ... hope it would not the end

Well, this is my very first blog - a not creative beginning .... bore!

Frankly speaking, I was too lazy to start a blog. But today, I found flame's blog url on #mtgjudge on efnet, I was busy in the office, so I emailed the link to myself. When I was home, I opened my mailbox accidently and found a "new" mail.

Flame's blog is funny and contains some good idea. I really like it. That drives me make my own blog.

BTW, my new job is very demanding. I hope I would have sometime to write down something interesting.

In this weekend, I will go GP Singapore. Too bad that I don't get any sponsor. But I really want to go and I still make a trip. Hope I will have something to when I am back.

Now, it is 00:30am. Time for bed.